Steps To Be Taken Before The Delivery Of Puppies
For those who are looking forward to their favorite companion
delivering her puppies, they should be aware that quite a lot of effort
will probably have to be expended for the litter to be successful.
Puppies are born prematurely and are completely helpless - their eyes
and ears are closed and they have only a limited ability to move.
is possible to lose some puppies every litter but you can greatly
increase the survival rate of your dog's litter if you prepare for every
eventuality beforehand. Expect to spend a considerable amount of time
caring for puppies, especially if the mother is unresponsive or absent.

you have bred your female dog you will first have to prepare a nest box
for her. This can be a cardboard box that will be large enough to
accommodate her and the puppies. The box should be twice the size of the
mama dog when she lies down. The sides should be low enough so that she
can leave easily, but high enough to keep the puppies in.
A layer
of newspapers should be put in the bottom of the box first, and then
this should be covered with clean rags. It's a good idea to have an
abundant supply of rags ready as it is inevitable that the puppies will
soil the nest on a regular basis, and both mother and pups should be
kept as clean as possible.
In some cases the mother will be unable
or unwilling to care for the puppies, and the owner will have to take
on some or all of the duties of raising the litter. Even a capable,
alert mother dog will not turn up her nose at some help along the way.
Before the litter arrives, the following supplies should be on hand,
even if you don't ever have to use them. Canine replacement formula is
available as a premade liquid or as a powdered formula. If the latter is
used, use only distilled water or water that has been purified and
boiled - the intestinal systems of puppies is extremely delicate and
they will develop diarrhea if untreated tap water is used. Cow's milk
will also give puppies diarrhea. Nursing bottles designed for newborn
puppies should also be on hand.
A puppy heating pad can provide
added warmth for the litter, even if the mother is present. Tiny puppies
have no way of controlling their body temperature, so must be kept
warm. Heating pads designed for puppies will not overheat - regular pads
can become too hot and kill the puppies so be sure to use the correct
Toilet tissue should be available to help the puppies go to
the bathroom and to clean them up. Newborn pups need the stimulation of
their mother's tongues or a moistened tissue to be able to urinate and
defecate; this is a way to help keep the den clean. This should be done
after every feeding and every several hours as well if the mother does
not perform this duty herself.
Pasting can be a real problem;
feces can accumulate on the rear end of a puppy and block normal
processes. If a puppy becomes listless and stops feeding, check their
hind quarters. Use a warm, wet cloth to loosen the hardened stool and
remove it, but be prepared for an explosion.
Shallow puppy bowls should also be purchased for use when the pups begin to eat and drink on their own.
scale, either one designed for this purpose or a postal scale should be
used every day to weigh the pups. Record the weight of each puppy, and
if one begins to lose weight, you will have to begin supplemental
feeding right away.
Within about 2 weeks the eyes of the puppies
will be open, and it will not be long before they will be able to begin
eating food. Human baby food, such as rice cereal, mixed with canine
formula will get the pups off to a good start, and you can then progress
to puppy kibble that has been softened with warm water.
to raise a litter of puppies is a lot of work, but the satisfaction you
will feel at seeing those healthy, active, happy puppies makes it all